When you’re approved for online training, your Resource Specialist will request a new account for you in the Foster Care and Adoption Learning Management System (LMS). Once your account is created, you’ll be sent an email with your username (which is the same as your email address) and a temporary password.
Find your account info
Search your email inbox (including junk and spam folders) for a message from noreply@learn.okfosters.org containing your account information. If you’ve received the email, you’re all set to log in and begin learning!
If you don’t see an email with your username and temporary password, please contact the Help Desk for a manual password reset.
Log in
With your login information handy, go to the Foster Care and Adoption LMS login page (you can click the link or enter the web address into the address bar at the top of your Internet browser: https://learn.okfosters.org).
- Enter your username/email address (all lowercase) in the Username field.
- Enter your password in the Password field (if this is your first time logging in, enter the temporary password you were given).
- Select the Log In button.

You are now logged in and can begin learning!
The system will open to your dashboard page (if you used a temporary password, the system will prompt you to update it first).
- Future resource parents: you’ll already be enrolled in the course RFT Session 1 – Children in Out-of-Home Care when you log in for the first time, so it will appear on your dashboard under My courses. Click the course name to open it and begin, or read our article about the RFT program for more guidance.
- Current resource parents: view the available courses in the In-Service Training course category and enroll yourself in the ones that interest you.
Next: Dashboard
When you log in, the Foster Care and Adoption LMS opens to your dashboard page. Learn more about the information you’ll find there.