Before you Begin

Resource Parents: Before you Begin

If you're interested in the online Resource Parent training offered through, start by talking to your Resource Specialist.
Resource Parents: Before you Begin

You must discuss online training with your agency or Resource Specialist before you can access the Foster Care and Adoption Learning Management System (LMS) at You won’t be able to log in until they request an account for you.

Resource Specialists: if you’re not sure how to request accounts for your trainees in the new Foster Care and Adoption LMS, please contact the Foster Care and Adoption Support Center at

Future Resource Parents

Enrollment in online Pre-Service Training is coordinated and arranged through your Resource Specialist. If you don’t have one or don’t know where to start, submit an online Foster Care and Adoption Parent Interest Request or contact the Foster Care and Adoption Support Center (FCASC) directly.

Visit Oklahoma Fosters at to learn more.

Current Resource Parents

The LMS is also a free and convenient way to obtain your 12 credit hours of annual In-Service Training.

If you’ve never accessed the LMS before, contact your Resource Specialist to request a new account so you can log in and begin learning.

If you previously completed training through the LMS (e.g., Guiding Principles/RFT Online), you probably already have an active account. Log in if you remember your account details, or reset your password using your email address if not.

Next: First-Time User FAQs

Feeling lost? Here are a few simple tips and solutions to help you get started with the new Foster Care and Adoption LMS.
